Petr Svobodný / Robin Král / Nikola Logosová

Pozor doktor!

ISBN 978-80-907052-3-4
Issued at: December 2018

Russian and Chinese and Korean foreign rights for this book have been sold, but others are available. Rights for this title are managed by Albatros Media; please contact them for inquiries. You can also view a sample of a version in English on their website.


Pozor doktor!
History of medicine in seven days, seven medicine topics from prehistory to the present.

Petr Svobodný
Robin Král
Nikola Logosová

ISBN 978-80-907052-3-4
Issued at: December 2018

Russian and Chinese and Korean foreign rights for this book have been sold, but others are available. Rights for this title are managed by Albatros Media; please contact them for inquiries.

You can also view a sample of a version in English on their website.